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Area Flood Relief


From Pastor Chuck:

We are seeing just how great the need is, and we have several ways to help those in need.

First, you can give money to support all flood relief efforts in the MidSouth Conference. Nearly all the severe damage is in East Tennessee along the west side of the mountains. We are just now learning of areas that have been hit hard but are getting little aid---Johnson County, Tenn., for example.

Within the Kingsport District, we have this going on:

As of this morning, the trailer was about one-quarter full. Please, don't take clothes. I would suggest we focus on sealed bottles and jugs of water and cleaning supplies. The plan is to move these supplies Friday to where they are most needed. No decision on location has been made yet. We are coordinating with various distribution points.

And of course, be in prayer for victims everywhere, particularly the grieving, the injured, and those who have lost everything or are stranded.

On a personal note, Connie and I have heard just a little via text from our son, Charlie, and daughter-in-law in Asheville, N.C. Our daughter-in-law, Katelynn, also was able to make a brief, hard-to-hear phone call to her mother last night.

They said they are okay, and that their house is intact. We would like to know more, of course, but we are relieved to hear something from them. Thanks to all of you who have been praying.

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