Hey, this is Pastor Chuck. There are some district-related news items I want to share with you.
First, you probably have heard by now that the Global Methodist Church's Convening General Conference will be Sept. 20-26 this year in Costa Rica. The MidSouth Conference, of which we are a part, will be electing lay and clergy delegates to General Conference at our Annual Conference June 20-23 in Maryville, Tenn.
Both laity and clergy can be General Conference delegates. If you're interested, the deadline to apply to run for a General Conference delegate position is the end of this month, which is Thursday! For more information, go to: https://midsouthgmc.org/welcome. You will want to read all the requirements very carefully before applying.
Second, remember our upcoming Catalyst gathering in Abingdon, Va., on Saturday, March 9. This is four districts coming together to learn more about what's happening in the GMC. We already have about a dozen people from Holston View signed up to attend. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex; you also can simply let me know you want to go by calling the office. We will leave the church parking lot about 8:45 a.m., and either caravan or perhaps even take a van or bus together, depending on the number going. We plan to go to lunch together afterward.
Third, some of you may have an interest in leading mission efforts. There is a mission-oriented GMC event May 5-8 at Christ Methodist Church in Memphis, Tenn. Go to this link for more information: https://us18.campaign-archive.com/?e=2d257acaac&u=e73ef9122dd2f183c63d5fd1c&id=bd0944f5d4.
Blessings on all of you this week!