This is Pastor Chuck again. Time for a few updates:
The Methodist Men hold their monthly breakfast this Saturday at 9 a.m. (They've moved their gathering to the second Saturday of each month.) This month, ladies are also invited. The men promise you are not being asked to cook or clean. The men will take care of all of that; they just want the women to know they are loved.
This Sunday and the following Sunday on Nov. 17, everyone is invited to the fellowship hall during the Sunday school hour. I will explain some concepts that I think will help us focus on how we live as a church. This is based on some training I went through in Texas recently, training I will continue to attend over the next few months. Allen Dougherty, the regular teacher for the fellowship hall class, needs a couple of weeks off, so it seemed like an opportune time for me to introduce these concepts. Your Sunday school teachers have been alerted, and I told them that if a particular class is in the middle of something that cannot be interrupted, then stay the course! But if your class can come, or if you're not in a Sunday school class and want to come, please join us.
An update: We raised $3,100 for storm relief. We are working with the conference to figure out how to best use that money now that hard-hit areas are entering a rebuilding phase. I expect most of the money we have collected will ultimately go toward building materials and such.
Blessings on you, and I hope to see you Sunday! Remember our charge conference, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 21.