"Being Disciples & Making Disciples"
In 1934 Rev. Clarence Wilson, A.L. Beverly, and J.A. Mosely received permission from Walter Smith to pitch a tent on his property for the purpose of having a tent revival in Weber City. The revival was very successful and many people were saved, including Mr. Smith. Following the revival, for many months people would gather under shade trees, as weather permitted, on Sundays for worship and Sunday School on the property of Mrs. Elsie Clonce, one of the original charter members of our church.
After a few months of regular meetings at Mrs. Clonce's property, the group decided that a church building should be built. An organizational meeting in 1935 led to the decision of naming the church Holston View. The land for Holston View was donated by Frank Parris, and with everyone working together, a small church was completed in 1936. At this time the church could not afford to pay a pastor, so five pastors alternated preaching on Sundays.
In 1960, Holston View was in need of a new church building, and pastor Ed. Perry had a vision to make it happen. He walked from house to house to share his vision in hopes of receiving donations to purchase the land for the new church building. In 1961, the land on the hill overlooking Weber City was purchased for the future home of Holston View. In 1962, Rev. Eddie Fox was appointed pastor, and he and the church built upon the foundational vision of Rev. Perry. In June 1963, the groundbreaking was held for the new church building. By July 23, 1967, Holston Views new sanctuary, educational building, and fellowship hall was completed.
In 1995, plans began on additional facilities for the third phase of the original vision of the church. Construction was completed in 2006 for the new facility which houses our preschool and daycare, new kitchen, and a gym and stage room named Howard Hall dedicated in memory of our former pastor, Rick Howard.
As we the church strive to be faithful, we pray that we can build on the faithful work of previous generations and continue "being disciples and making disciples."