Hey, this is Pastor Chuck. First of all, let me apologize for our normal April newsletter not going out in the mail. Our administrative assistant, Kaitlyn, had to deliver her baby earlier than expected. It was the middle of Holy Week, right at the end of March, and I simply was not equipped technically or with the time to make the newsletter happen.
I am posting this extended news item on the website in an attempt to catch up on communications. If you know someone who cannot view the website or see the link that went out on text, feel free to print this out and pass it along.
This is from Karen Peace:
The children’s ministry hosted their first Crossclub Kids Day Camp on Wednesday, April 3. Six kids joined in the fun while learning about how God pursues us before we even know to pursue God. They made stained-glass crafts, created flowers and enjoyed music, gym games, and a very cold outing on the playground! A special thanks to Suzy Burke, Tammy Herron and Toshiko Hartsock for giving of their time and their witness to the kids. We look forward to more fun times during our summer day camps!Â
If you haven't had a chance, be sure to welcome our new choir director, Michael Downum. Michael has a bachelor's degree in music from Pfieffer University in Miesenhiemer, N.C., and a master's degree in worship and leadership from Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, Tenn.
You may have noticed in the bulletin that Bob Lewis has a big birthday celebration planned April 27 in the church gym, starting at 1 p.m. He has invited the whole church, but he does ask that you RSVP and that you DON'T bring presents. You can let him know you're coming by calling (423) 360-3618.
Remember that the Methodist Men have a regular breakfast gathering the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall.
It was so exciting to worship with so many people Easter Sunday! We had 65 at our sunrise service and 159 in our 11 a.m. worship celebration. If you've been around the last couple of weeks, I hope you agree with me that the Easter excitement has seemed to continue during the Easter season. We of course are also moving toward Pentecost, when we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Pentecost Sunday this year falls on May 19. (Mother's Day will be the week before, May 12.)