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Happy Monday!

From Pastor Chuck: Since a lot of you were unable to attend church yesterday because of the weather, you might need a reminder about upcoming events as we exit our holiday schedules. If you missed taking communion, note that it will be offered during our Wednesday night prayer gathering.

Blessings on all of you this week ... stay warm! I am aware the weather remains iffy during the week, and if anything below is impacted by snow or ice, a text will go out.


Noon Wednesday: Adult Bible Study. We are at chapter 24 in Exodus.

6 p.m. Wednesday Night: Prayer Meeting in the upstairs classroom nearest the North Wing entrance. You can enter the room through its outside door, straight from the parking lot. This is a quiet, confidential time of group prayer, and we usually end with communion.

7 p.m. Wednesday: Choir Practice. This is a great time to join the choir ... new members have time to settle in before the choir begins to work on Easter-related music. We need additional men’s voices and women who can sing soprano.

9 a.m. Saturday: The Methodist Men meet in our fellowship hall for breakfast. They regularly meet the second Saturday of each month.

9 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 25: Organizing meeting of a Methodist women's ministry group, with a potluck breakfast, in the fellowship hall.

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