From Pastor Chuck:
Mountain Empire Older Citizens ( will this coming Monday begin hosting weekly events for people over the age of 60 in our fellowship hall.
Participants are welcome to arrive as early as 8:30, with events ongoing through the lunch hour. A free lunch cooked off-site and brought in is provided.
Transportation also is available for those in need. Here are the transportation instructions from the MEOC website:
Current fares for boarding (subject to change)
Age 60 and older: 75 cents
Age 17 and younger: 75 cents
All others: $1.50
How to schedule a trip
Call 276-523-7433 or 1-888-877-6748 at least 24 hours and up to 30 days before you need a ride. Reservations are taken on a first-call basis. You will need to provide your name and location. First-time riders will need to provide additional details.
The leaders of MEOC have expressed to me that they welcome church involvement in the program, which might be as simple as being present and visiting with the folks less familiar with our facilities.
Be sure to pass on word of this program to those around you!